Join Me on a Ride to a Ghost Town in Mississippi on an Old Road Built in the Early 1800s
The Old Rodney Road runs 2.4 miles from a gate at Alcorn State University in Lorman, Mississippi, to the ghost town of Rodney, Mississippi. It’s rough and narrow and somewhat bumpy, but well worth the effort to enjoy the romantic feeling of driving through the dense backwoods of the Mississippi Delta landscape.
Historical Marker for the Old Rodney Road

Below is the full text of a rather crusty old historical marker located on the campus at Alcorn State University:
“This road is the first established route from Port Gibson and Alcorn to Rodney, and was constructed in the early nineteenth century. Composed of loess soil, the old roadbed and roadside bluffs for the next 2.4 miles remain today much as they were 150 years ago. Old-timers say the roadbed has eroded only a little during their lifetime. Loess soil is an unstratified, buff to yellowish brown, loamy deposit, and believed to be chiefly deposited by the wind during the Ice Age.”