Edward Sharp operated his photography studio at two locations in London between the 1880s and 1914. I wasn’t able to learn much about him. He may have been born in Portsmouth, England in 1852. He is known to have photographed soldiers in the era of WWI.
He was briefly mentioned in the March 20, 1885 issue of the Journal of the Society of Arts (page 447), having lent a negative to the author for a photographic chemistry experiment.
Research about him is overwhelmed by more famous men with the same or similar names, Edward Sharpe, the pop musician, and an Edward Sharp in England around the same time as this photographer who became wealthy making and selling toffee.
What uniform is this?
The photograph portrays a man in what appears to be a drum major uniform, but rather than holding a baton or mace, he was holding something resembling a whip or riding crop. Perhaps the man was a lion tamer?