Abandoned Marble Quarry Black and White Photography

Abandoned Marble Quarry Black and White Photography

Walk with me to explore an eerie and overgrown, but beautiful, abandoned marble quarry

Join me on a short hike to photograph a couple of disused stone quarries. Along the way we visit a lime kiln that ended production in the 1940s. Below the video in this posting are a few behind-the-scenes photographs from the location.

In this video we explore an eerie and overgrown, but beautiful, abandoned marble quarry.
Decorated water cistern on a hillside near the quarry.
Decorated water cistern on a hillside near the quarry.
Large boulder along the path to the quarry
Large boulder along the path to the quarry.
In the bottom of the quarry: camera settings visible on the LED screen.
In the bottom of the quarry: camera settings visible on the LED screen.

Thanks for reading!

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~ Keith

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