Interesting little backstory about the big, old tree at Windsor Mansion ruins in Mississippi
Yes, this is a rare selfie of me, posing with a rock star,
and no I don’t mean Bono or Mick, I mean this amazing ancient tree.

But I’m starting at the end of the story, so let me back up.
I recently travelled to the deep South to check-off a bucket list item. For years I’ve been wanting to visit the bizarre ruins of Windsor Mansion in Mississippi.

What you’re looking at here are the remaining 23 columns of Windsor Mansion. The house was built in 1861, it survived the Civil War, but was burned to the ground in 1890s after a visitor tossed hot cigar ashes onto a pile of renovation rubble.
Now, back to the topic of the tree.
Below is the only known drawing of Windsor Mansion, and it was sketched by a Union officer named Henry Otis Dwight, from Ohio. And legend has it that Dwight sat under this mighty tree while he made the sketch.

This old tree has seen a lot of history. And that’s why I say this tree is a rock star.
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~ Keith