Coming soon! A new video with early access for Patrons or people who bought my new book
I’m in the middle of a road trip right now where I’ve stumbled into a goldmine of abandoned building greatness. Thanks to the discovery of this location, I’ve captured tons of new photographs and made a lot videos of abandoned structures in the ghost town and nearby. This may take a few weeks to edit, but the raw video looks terrific. This was an unexpected discovery so I’m very excited.
Early access for Patrons and people who bought my book
Since I recently released a book of photographs of abandoned places, I thought the people who purchased a copy of that book might be interested in this video! And, since they’ve given me financial support, I want to give them something in return — early access to what I think will be an interesting journey though this old ghost town.
The video will be released early to Patrons or those who bought my recent book. It will be available to the general public at a later date.
What is Patreon?
If you’re not familiar with Patreon, it’s a site that allows ordinary people to donate (subscribe) as little as $1.00 a month to support artists whose work they enjoy. A lot of people use Patreon to support YouTube stars, but all kinds of creators receive income through this system. By subscribing, you get certain benefits, which you can read about on my page here. And of course, one of those benefits will be early access to the video.
I have another trip planned for later this month to another ghost town of sorts, and will announce more on that when the time comes.