Keith Dotson photography recommendation for camping and bushcraft knife
Reading a knife recommendation from a photographer may seem strange, but for landscape photographers who venture into the forests, mountains, or other wild areas, outdoor gear can be just as necessary as lenses and tripods.
The “Light My Fire” fire knife from highly regarded Swedish knife maker Mora is a key part of my outdoor kit. It’s lightweight, small, but ruggedly made and comfortable in the hand.
Most importantly, it’s made of high-quality Sandvik 12C27 stainless steel. This blade will hold up well to the abuse of the outdoors, including carving, feathering wood for tinder, and even batoning. The knife has a fixed blade, which makes it stronger and easier to clean. The handle is made of comfortable rubber and is easy to grip during use.
Built-in firesteel for sparking campfires
In addition to it’s superior design and build quality, this knife is unique because it includes an integrated firesteel in the handle. The firesteel securely locks into place with a turn and a click. The firesteel makes hot sparks when scraped by the flat edge of the blade, and is effective in igniting tinder. It’s rated for thousands of fires, but will eventually wear out. Luckily, replacements can be ordered from Amazon here, for just $11.99 (price at the time of this writing).
The knife comes with a durable polypropylene sheath with a hole in the end to allow water drainage. It has an integrated clip that applies a LOT of tension, which makes it very difficult to take off. That means it stays on your belt securely. The knife clicks tightly into the sheath and will not easily fall out.
Best of all, the Light My Fire knife is affordable! I bought mine for $31.92 on Amazon.
There’s a thorough and excellent review of this knife on the Rocky Mountain Bushcraft blog. Long story short . . . he loved the knife.
Buy the Mora Light My Fire knife on Amazon here.
Prices fluctuate but it was listed at $31.92 when this was written.
Get replacement firesteel for the Mora Light My Fire knife here.
Listed at $11.99 at the time of this posting.
NOTE: Be sure to check your local laws before carrying a knife in your state. Mora knives are EXTREMELY sharp — use with caution. Never spark the firesteel indoors.
Thanks for reading!
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~ Keith
This posting contains Amazon Affiliate links. Keith Dotson Photography has no fiduciary relationship with Mora and received no payments for this posting.