Non-photography gear that’s useful for landscape and outdoor photographers
I’ve put together an Amazon page of gear that I recommend for photographers who work out in the elements.
When you work outdoors, the weather can be unpredictable, and if you — like me — often hike in unfamiliar places, you have to be prepared for puddles, mud, thorns, briars, snow, and whatever else Mother Nature can throw at you. Sometimes, your non-photo gear is almost as important as your cameras and lenses.
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Lined pants
Just about 6 weeks ago, I was hiking on a deer path in a brushy area with weeds and stems so tall I couldn’t see the white tail deer that were all around me, until I spooked them and saw them leap 8 feet in the air. It was rough going, with lots of briars and thorns, but my thick, fleece-lined Carhartt pants protected me and didn’t even get a snag. Did I mention is was freezing out? I originally bought these in Wisconsin, to help this former Texas boy deal with those rough northern prairie winters.

Fire starting tool
What I love about this fire steel is that it’s light weight, easy to use, and creates a big, hot spark that gets kindling lit in a hurry. If you find yourself in a survival situation in the wilderness, a fire steel could be a lifesaver. Matches may get wet or run out, but this thing works rain or shine, and can give you thousands of strikes before it’s used up (and it has a built-in whistle). Check out their official video below.
From snake boots to outdoor gear, there are lots of supplies for outdoorsy photographers to think about on my Amazon page. I’ll add new ideas as I come across them.
Visit my Keith Dotson Photography Amazon Ideas Page
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